Latest School Contact
An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact was made in Liceo Linguistico and Scuola Media Basel in Basel, Switzerland on Thursday, November 29 at 13:37 UTC via telebridge station W6SRJ in California. The contact complemented lesson plans covering space and space exploration.
Italian Students Host ARISS Contact
An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact was held between Kevin Ford, KF5GPP and students attending Liceo scientifico Giacinto De Sivo – Fondazione Villaggio dei Ragazzi in Maddaloni, Italy on Tuesday, November 20 via telebridge station IK1SLD in Italy. Over 300 students listened as the ISS astronaut fielded 15 questions posed by the youth. Ford requested a switch to the backup channel half way through the contact due to some interference, but the contact continued on nominally after the switch. The event was webcast by AMSAT Italia and received good media coverage. The contact was integrated into lessons covering the developments in astronomy from a scientific, philosophical and literary point of view.
Three Hams Return to Earth
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) posted an article about ISS Expedition 32/33 crewmembers Sunita Williams, Yuri Malenchenko and Akihiko Hoshide returning to Earth after completing their mission, which included speaking with school children around the world: “Three Hams Return to Earth from ISS.”
An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact was made in Liceo Linguistico and Scuola Media Basel in Basel, Switzerland on Thursday, November 29 at 13:37 UTC via telebridge station W6SRJ in California. The contact complemented lesson plans covering space and space exploration.
Italian Students Host ARISS Contact
An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact was held between Kevin Ford, KF5GPP and students attending Liceo scientifico Giacinto De Sivo – Fondazione Villaggio dei Ragazzi in Maddaloni, Italy on Tuesday, November 20 via telebridge station IK1SLD in Italy. Over 300 students listened as the ISS astronaut fielded 15 questions posed by the youth. Ford requested a switch to the backup channel half way through the contact due to some interference, but the contact continued on nominally after the switch. The event was webcast by AMSAT Italia and received good media coverage. The contact was integrated into lessons covering the developments in astronomy from a scientific, philosophical and literary point of view.
Three Hams Return to Earth
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) posted an article about ISS Expedition 32/33 crewmembers Sunita Williams, Yuri Malenchenko and Akihiko Hoshide returning to Earth after completing their mission, which included speaking with school children around the world: “Three Hams Return to Earth from ISS.”