July 6, 2013
Successful contact for Associazione Intercultura ONLUS in Frascati Italy. Luca Parmitano KF5KDP answered all 14 questions from the students and listened to greetings and applause from Frascati. Signal was loud and clear for almost the entire contact, AOS was at 17.02 UTC.
Congratulations to IK0WGF team in Frascati coordinating the event and to telebridge station W6SRJ in Santa Rosa California. As usual we had also John Spasojevitch AG9D doing the forward on Echolink and IRLP network.
Here the web story prepared by ESA for ARISS event in Frascati.
If you want to see the video of the event is here (star contact to 47'):
Intercultura published another video of the event here:
Great coverage by National Media:
Successful contact for Associazione Intercultura ONLUS in Frascati Italy. Luca Parmitano KF5KDP answered all 14 questions from the students and listened to greetings and applause from Frascati. Signal was loud and clear for almost the entire contact, AOS was at 17.02 UTC.
Congratulations to IK0WGF team in Frascati coordinating the event and to telebridge station W6SRJ in Santa Rosa California. As usual we had also John Spasojevitch AG9D doing the forward on Echolink and IRLP network.
Here the web story prepared by ESA for ARISS event in Frascati.
If you want to see the video of the event is here (star contact to 47'):
Intercultura published another video of the event here:
Great coverage by National Media: