Minutes of ARISS International Monthly Meeting
Go To Meeting/Teleconference
March 19, 2024 – 1200 UTC
Oliver Amend
Frank Bauer
Randy Berger
Emanuelle D’Andria
Stefan Dombrowski
Will Marchant
Glenn MacDonell
Lou McFadin
Martha Muir
Kenneth Ransom
Sergey Samburov
Diana Schuler
Dave Taylor
Rosalie White
Interpreter: Irina Yaskova
Meeting Agenda
Roll Call—Martha Muir, W4MSA
Welcome—Frank Bauer KA3HDO
Frank welcomed everyone to today’s meeting and saying that it was great to see so many of you at the Face to Face meeting and the 40th Anniversary celebration.
Ham TV is scheduled to go up to the ISS by the end of this week!
Martha has given Frank and Oliver the typed minutes of the Face to Face meeting but Frank wants to annotate the minutes with the presentations and other files to that before the minutes are sent out to everyone. Some presentation files are still outstanding from some of the meeting attendees. Please send them to Frank directly. Ciaran asked if folks can get them before the next meeting. Frank replied that we need to get all the presentations first.
2. Review of Face to Face meeting and the 40th Anniversary Celebration – Frank and Oliver
Frank said that he can sum up his feeling about the whole event with a simple 3 letter word: WOW!
We missed those who couldn’t attend. The activity was extremely big and we are now trying to get all the materials from it in so they can place together as final archival documentation. Please get your presentations and photos to Frank as soon as possible. All major ARISS-I presentations are on the Dropbox now. Stefan asked if we can share the documents shared in the Dropbox. Frank replied saying his answer has two parts. ‘In my opinion, yes, though some documents may be confidential, particularly those associated with the AMSAT Italia Proposal to Gateway. We need to ask AMSAT Italia if they are okay with sharing them. Otherwise, we need to make these files private.
Oliver gave his opinion on this. There were two sessions: the Face to Face meeting and the 40th Anniversary Celebration. The F2F forum is open to those that participated – for the most part. The Italian proposal is not ARISS. It belongs to AMSAT Italia. ARISS can use it but not publish it. As far as photos are concerned there is nothing there to hide. There were signs posted at the venue indicating that photos were being taken that may be made public.
Given that, Will Marchant said keep proprietary rights to documents only. Frank summed things up by saying that the Italian proposal is from AMSAT-Italy not ARISS-I. We cannot make proprietary decisions for them. Oliver said that we (ARISS-I) need to ask them (AMSAT-Italy) if we can publish their information.
Stefan asked ‘how long will things be available in the Dropbox?’ Answer: All materials from the ARISS-I meeting are archived permanently on Dropbox.
3. HamTV update – Randy Berger
Randy started by saying that it was great to see everyone at the Face to Face and 40th anniversary events.
Randy said that Thursday, March 21, SpaceX 30 is scheduled to launch with the HamTV unit onboard. ‘We are working on the documentation and updating the webpage to provide illustrative examples of HamTV ground stations. Folks from the United Kingdom are helping with this.’ Please review and help edit this.
4. Lunar Amateur Radio Frequencies – Frank Bauer
This was brought up at the recent Face to Face meeting. Frank said he was able to pull out the official frequency allocations. He had a lengthy talk with Cathy Sham, Lunar and Mars spectrum lead from the Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG). The frequencies to be used from the Earth to the moon are not the same as the frequencies from the moon to the Earth. Ham radio teams developing lunar communications systems need to be aware of the restrictions in place in the Shield Zone of the Moon (SZM). SZM restrictions were put in place by the ITU and the SFCG so as to not to affect radio astronomy observations on the far side of the moon. The lunar Gateway resides on the far side of the moon.
Emanuelle said confirmed that frequencies from the Earth to the moon are not a problem. He has questions about frequencies to be used from the moon to the Earth. Glenn added that a lot of work was done on these frequency allocations by the ITU and the SFCG with a document that was published last June.
Any Other Business
Stefan asked Sergey if anything is planned for the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s first flight on April 12? Jan said there is good info on this in the chat.
Actions for delegates:
-Randy said he is looking for comments about HamTV ground stations.
-Frank said get the lunar frequency document, read it, and send in your comments. There may be another meeting on this. He also queried Emanuelle about whether there were plans to have an antenna interface meeting to develop the interface documentation. He reminded all that during the ARISS-I meeting, it was requested that this information needed to be supplied by June.
-Oliver asked ‘who will be in charge of the next (2025) International Delegates meeting? Let the ARISS-I officers know of any suggestions you have on this.
Frank thanked Irina for her interpretations today.
The next ARISS-I monthly meeting will be on April 16, 2024.
Respectfully submitted, Martha Muir, ARISS-I Secretary
Go To Meeting/Teleconference
March 19, 2024 – 1200 UTC
Oliver Amend
Frank Bauer
Randy Berger
Emanuelle D’Andria
Stefan Dombrowski
Will Marchant
Glenn MacDonell
Lou McFadin
Martha Muir
Kenneth Ransom
Sergey Samburov
Diana Schuler
Dave Taylor
Rosalie White
Interpreter: Irina Yaskova
Meeting Agenda
Roll Call—Martha Muir, W4MSA
Welcome—Frank Bauer KA3HDO
Frank welcomed everyone to today’s meeting and saying that it was great to see so many of you at the Face to Face meeting and the 40th Anniversary celebration.
Ham TV is scheduled to go up to the ISS by the end of this week!
- Call for Acceptance of Minutes—Frank Bauer KA3HDO and Martha Muir W4MSA
Martha has given Frank and Oliver the typed minutes of the Face to Face meeting but Frank wants to annotate the minutes with the presentations and other files to that before the minutes are sent out to everyone. Some presentation files are still outstanding from some of the meeting attendees. Please send them to Frank directly. Ciaran asked if folks can get them before the next meeting. Frank replied that we need to get all the presentations first.
2. Review of Face to Face meeting and the 40th Anniversary Celebration – Frank and Oliver
Frank said that he can sum up his feeling about the whole event with a simple 3 letter word: WOW!
We missed those who couldn’t attend. The activity was extremely big and we are now trying to get all the materials from it in so they can place together as final archival documentation. Please get your presentations and photos to Frank as soon as possible. All major ARISS-I presentations are on the Dropbox now. Stefan asked if we can share the documents shared in the Dropbox. Frank replied saying his answer has two parts. ‘In my opinion, yes, though some documents may be confidential, particularly those associated with the AMSAT Italia Proposal to Gateway. We need to ask AMSAT Italia if they are okay with sharing them. Otherwise, we need to make these files private.
Oliver gave his opinion on this. There were two sessions: the Face to Face meeting and the 40th Anniversary Celebration. The F2F forum is open to those that participated – for the most part. The Italian proposal is not ARISS. It belongs to AMSAT Italia. ARISS can use it but not publish it. As far as photos are concerned there is nothing there to hide. There were signs posted at the venue indicating that photos were being taken that may be made public.
Given that, Will Marchant said keep proprietary rights to documents only. Frank summed things up by saying that the Italian proposal is from AMSAT-Italy not ARISS-I. We cannot make proprietary decisions for them. Oliver said that we (ARISS-I) need to ask them (AMSAT-Italy) if we can publish their information.
Stefan asked ‘how long will things be available in the Dropbox?’ Answer: All materials from the ARISS-I meeting are archived permanently on Dropbox.
3. HamTV update – Randy Berger
Randy started by saying that it was great to see everyone at the Face to Face and 40th anniversary events.
Randy said that Thursday, March 21, SpaceX 30 is scheduled to launch with the HamTV unit onboard. ‘We are working on the documentation and updating the webpage to provide illustrative examples of HamTV ground stations. Folks from the United Kingdom are helping with this.’ Please review and help edit this.
4. Lunar Amateur Radio Frequencies – Frank Bauer
This was brought up at the recent Face to Face meeting. Frank said he was able to pull out the official frequency allocations. He had a lengthy talk with Cathy Sham, Lunar and Mars spectrum lead from the Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG). The frequencies to be used from the Earth to the moon are not the same as the frequencies from the moon to the Earth. Ham radio teams developing lunar communications systems need to be aware of the restrictions in place in the Shield Zone of the Moon (SZM). SZM restrictions were put in place by the ITU and the SFCG so as to not to affect radio astronomy observations on the far side of the moon. The lunar Gateway resides on the far side of the moon.
Emanuelle said confirmed that frequencies from the Earth to the moon are not a problem. He has questions about frequencies to be used from the moon to the Earth. Glenn added that a lot of work was done on these frequency allocations by the ITU and the SFCG with a document that was published last June.
Any Other Business
Stefan asked Sergey if anything is planned for the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s first flight on April 12? Jan said there is good info on this in the chat.
Actions for delegates:
-Randy said he is looking for comments about HamTV ground stations.
-Frank said get the lunar frequency document, read it, and send in your comments. There may be another meeting on this. He also queried Emanuelle about whether there were plans to have an antenna interface meeting to develop the interface documentation. He reminded all that during the ARISS-I meeting, it was requested that this information needed to be supplied by June.
-Oliver asked ‘who will be in charge of the next (2025) International Delegates meeting? Let the ARISS-I officers know of any suggestions you have on this.
Frank thanked Irina for her interpretations today.
The next ARISS-I monthly meeting will be on April 16, 2024.
Respectfully submitted, Martha Muir, ARISS-I Secretary