Minutes of ARISS International Monthly Meeting
Go To Meeting/Teleconference
June 18, 2024 – 1200 UTC
Oliver Amend
Tanya Anderson
Frank Bauer
Randy Berger
Armand Budzianowski
Stefan Dombrowski
Shizuo Endo
Micol Ivancic
Dave Jordan
Kiego Komuro
Will Marchant
Lou McFadin
Ciaran Morgan
Martha Muir
Ken Nichols
Jan Poppeliers
Kenneth Ransom
Sergey Samburov
Dave Taylor
Rosalie White
Satoshi Yasuda
Interpreter: Alexandra Tussing
Meeting June 18, 2024
Roll Call— Martha Muir W4MSA
Martha recorded the participants in today’s meeting by recording the names on the GoToMeeting screen.
Welcome – Frank Bauer
Frank welcomed everyone to today’s meeting and said that there are many things going on in the ARISS community these days. The Starliner will be launched soon, taking two astronauts to the ISS, including ARISS veteran Suni Williams. Coming soon: Ham Radio at Friedrichshafen. Frank will be there.
1. Call for Acceptance of Minutes – Frank Bauer and Martha Muir
Martha sent out the minutes of the March and May ARISS-I meetings prior to today’s meeting.Rosalie made a motion to accept the March minutes.Stefan seconded that motion which was accepted without dissent.Stefan made a motion to accept last month’s (May) minutes.Dave Taylor seconded that motion, which was accepted without dissent.Both minutes will be sent to Carol Jackson for posting on the ARISS-I website.
2. HamTV Operations Operations – Kenneth Ransom
Kenneth said that no progress has been made with HamTV.In fact, there is another payload presently occupying the space where HamTV is supposed to go.Kenneth is monitoring this.
3. ARISS-I International Delegates Meeting – Frank Bauer and Oliver Amend
Frank said that we need to decide where we want to hold the next Face to Face meeting next year.Oliver concurred. Please let us know by July’s meeting.Suggesting a location does not mean that you are organizing this meeting.
Glenn asked if people would be interested in meeting in Canada again. The Canadian Space Agency is involved in the Gateway program; it would be great to get updates.Glenn was asked to investigate the possibility of holding the next meeting near the Canadian Space Agency and send the info to the ARISS-I officers.
4. SSTV Update – Sergey Samburov
Sergey said that it is a large scale operation to get the new SSTV system on the ISS.Certain tests need to be performed.Those tests should start on July 1.Alexander Grebenkin, a Russian cosmonaut, should be installing the system on the ISS in September.The crew is very busy and a new crew is scheduled to arrive in September.We hope to get the system operational soon.
Sergey was asked to let us know when we can put information about this on social media and he stated we should wait until it is ready for launch.
Frank thanked Sergey for his work on this since ISS SSTV downlinks are very popular with students and hams alike.He thanked Sergey for working with students at the Southwestern State University in Kursk to develop both the software and hardware.
AOB (Any Other Business)
Frank reported that Barbara Adde from SCAN will be retiring from NASA at the end of the month. Frank also reported that the SCAN office is reorganizing with a new head, Kevin Coggins. SCAN provides part of the funding to sustain ARISS operations. Kevin is a ham and is interested in what we do with education and providing back up communications. He might be more involved in ARISS opportunities, including the ARISS contact at the upcoming IAU conference in August in South Africa . Ken Bowersox, an ARISS astronaut alumnus, is Kevin’s supervisor.
Randy said he would like to thank the ARISS-UK folks for their efforts to support the HamTV ground station development tutorial website. Randy has two summer interns developing ground stations in the USA using hardware that the UK team have shipped to the US for this purpose.
Frank thanked Alexandra for her interpreting. He also thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting.
Next Meeting: July 16, 2024
Lou pointed out that this will be the 55th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11.
Go To Meeting/Teleconference
June 18, 2024 – 1200 UTC
Oliver Amend
Tanya Anderson
Frank Bauer
Randy Berger
Armand Budzianowski
Stefan Dombrowski
Shizuo Endo
Micol Ivancic
Dave Jordan
Kiego Komuro
Will Marchant
Lou McFadin
Ciaran Morgan
Martha Muir
Ken Nichols
Jan Poppeliers
Kenneth Ransom
Sergey Samburov
Dave Taylor
Rosalie White
Satoshi Yasuda
Interpreter: Alexandra Tussing
Meeting June 18, 2024
Roll Call— Martha Muir W4MSA
Martha recorded the participants in today’s meeting by recording the names on the GoToMeeting screen.
Welcome – Frank Bauer
Frank welcomed everyone to today’s meeting and said that there are many things going on in the ARISS community these days. The Starliner will be launched soon, taking two astronauts to the ISS, including ARISS veteran Suni Williams. Coming soon: Ham Radio at Friedrichshafen. Frank will be there.
1. Call for Acceptance of Minutes – Frank Bauer and Martha Muir
Martha sent out the minutes of the March and May ARISS-I meetings prior to today’s meeting.Rosalie made a motion to accept the March minutes.Stefan seconded that motion which was accepted without dissent.Stefan made a motion to accept last month’s (May) minutes.Dave Taylor seconded that motion, which was accepted without dissent.Both minutes will be sent to Carol Jackson for posting on the ARISS-I website.
2. HamTV Operations Operations – Kenneth Ransom
Kenneth said that no progress has been made with HamTV.In fact, there is another payload presently occupying the space where HamTV is supposed to go.Kenneth is monitoring this.
3. ARISS-I International Delegates Meeting – Frank Bauer and Oliver Amend
Frank said that we need to decide where we want to hold the next Face to Face meeting next year.Oliver concurred. Please let us know by July’s meeting.Suggesting a location does not mean that you are organizing this meeting.
Glenn asked if people would be interested in meeting in Canada again. The Canadian Space Agency is involved in the Gateway program; it would be great to get updates.Glenn was asked to investigate the possibility of holding the next meeting near the Canadian Space Agency and send the info to the ARISS-I officers.
4. SSTV Update – Sergey Samburov
Sergey said that it is a large scale operation to get the new SSTV system on the ISS.Certain tests need to be performed.Those tests should start on July 1.Alexander Grebenkin, a Russian cosmonaut, should be installing the system on the ISS in September.The crew is very busy and a new crew is scheduled to arrive in September.We hope to get the system operational soon.
Sergey was asked to let us know when we can put information about this on social media and he stated we should wait until it is ready for launch.
Frank thanked Sergey for his work on this since ISS SSTV downlinks are very popular with students and hams alike.He thanked Sergey for working with students at the Southwestern State University in Kursk to develop both the software and hardware.
AOB (Any Other Business)
Frank reported that Barbara Adde from SCAN will be retiring from NASA at the end of the month. Frank also reported that the SCAN office is reorganizing with a new head, Kevin Coggins. SCAN provides part of the funding to sustain ARISS operations. Kevin is a ham and is interested in what we do with education and providing back up communications. He might be more involved in ARISS opportunities, including the ARISS contact at the upcoming IAU conference in August in South Africa . Ken Bowersox, an ARISS astronaut alumnus, is Kevin’s supervisor.
Randy said he would like to thank the ARISS-UK folks for their efforts to support the HamTV ground station development tutorial website. Randy has two summer interns developing ground stations in the USA using hardware that the UK team have shipped to the US for this purpose.
Frank thanked Alexandra for her interpreting. He also thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting.
Next Meeting: July 16, 2024
Lou pointed out that this will be the 55th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11.