Minutes of ARISS International Monthly Meeting
Go To Meeting/Teleconference
November 19, 2024 – 1200 UTC
Oliver Amend
Tanya Anderson
Frank Bauer
Randy Berger
Stefan Dombrowski
Shizuo Endo
Ana Guzman
Micol Ivancic
Glenn MacDonell
Will Marchant
Lou McFadin
Ciaran Morgan
Martha Muir
Jan Poppeliers
Kenneth Ransom
Jim Reed
Sergey Samburov
Graham Shirville
Dave Taylor
Rosalie White
Interpreter: Maria Pogodina
Meeting November 19, 2024
Roll Call— Martha Muir W4MSA
Martha recorded the participants in today’s meeting by recording the names on the GoToMeeting screen.
Welcome – Frank Bauer
Frank welcomed everyone to today’s meeting and said this month has been spectacular with several outstanding school contacts with educational activities. Also there were two wonderful SSTV events, one of which ended yesterday. Thank you for everything you do.
1. Call for Acceptance of Minutes – Frank Bauer and Martha Muir
Martha sent out the minutes of the October ARISS-I meeting prior to today’s meeting.
Stefan made a motion to accept the minutes and Ciaran seconded that motion. The motion was accepted without dissent. They will be sent to Deb Lebair to be posted on the ARISS website.
2. HamTV Update – Kenneth Ransom
Kenneth said that we are waiting for the final topology report to be completed. After that, the HamTV will be integrated into the Columbus module. Frank mentioned that there are new people at NASA and at ESA working on this assessment and have started from scratch, which is why it is taking so long. Frank asked Oliver if we can get Ham TV CAD model to move this along faster. Oliver said he will ask Kaiser.
An HDMI converter is needed to support the new cameras on-board ISS. Randy expects that the HDMI converter will be launched to the ISS mid-next year.
3. ARISS-I Delegates Face to Face Meeting – Oliver Amend and Glenn MacDonell
Glenn said the hotel we used at the last Face to Face meeting in Canada has agreed to hold several rooms for ARISS at a good price-point. People who will be attending should contact the hotel and book their rooms directly. For the special rates at the hotel, mention that you are with the ARISS delegation. He has asked the CSA for a presentation on their Lunar Gateway initiatives and they are working on it.
Oliver said he is collecting suggested topics to discuss at the meeting and will sort them into the meeting days in the near future.
Frank asked everyone to get suggested topics to Oliver by December 15. He also asked Glenn to put together the name of the hotel, the special rates, and contact information for the hotel and send it to the officers for distribution to the team. Oliver will send this out to everyone.
Frank thanked Glenn and Oliver for their work on our next Face to Face meeting.
4. SSTV Update – Sergey Samburov
Sergey said that he is very happy with the results of the SSTV transmissions, which include images of the first use of ham radio in human space flight. Hams, educators and youth from all over the world were involved and received diplomas. Thanks to everyone involved in this, especially Armand and Slawek.
Will said that image gallery has been moved to cloud based image storage system at this address: https://ariss-usa.org/ARISS_SSTV. There is also a new method to request a certificate but there were a couple of glitches during operations that have since been fixed. This new system aligns well with the awards program that the team in Poland has been supporting for so many years.
Rosalie thanked Will for adding a “Please Donate” button to the web page. We have already received donations from it.
Oliver said an Indonesian group had their own certificates that featured an image of Owen Garriott. A Chilean group also had their own certificate.
A map showed SSTV from all over the world. There was a lot of activity in the USA, Europe, and Asia.
Sergey said would like to do another SSTV event during the last week of December and the first week of January. The images will include seasonal greetings and images of great ARISS related activities of the past year and asked international folks to start gathering their images to be used.
Sergey thanked Slawek, Armand, and Will for their work curating the images and certificates. He would like to prepare some special awards for them.
**Action Item: Each region should provide 2 images to be used for this event. We will add a Seasons Greeting image and Sergey will provide 3 images. Please send your two images to Frank by December 10.
AOB (Any Other Business)
- Rosalie said she would no longer be taking in Activity Reports and numbers. Please send them to Deb Lebair at [email protected]
- Thanks to Maria for interpreting today.
Next Meeting: December 17, 2024
Go To Meeting/Teleconference
November 19, 2024 – 1200 UTC
Oliver Amend
Tanya Anderson
Frank Bauer
Randy Berger
Stefan Dombrowski
Shizuo Endo
Ana Guzman
Micol Ivancic
Glenn MacDonell
Will Marchant
Lou McFadin
Ciaran Morgan
Martha Muir
Jan Poppeliers
Kenneth Ransom
Jim Reed
Sergey Samburov
Graham Shirville
Dave Taylor
Rosalie White
Interpreter: Maria Pogodina
Meeting November 19, 2024
Roll Call— Martha Muir W4MSA
Martha recorded the participants in today’s meeting by recording the names on the GoToMeeting screen.
Welcome – Frank Bauer
Frank welcomed everyone to today’s meeting and said this month has been spectacular with several outstanding school contacts with educational activities. Also there were two wonderful SSTV events, one of which ended yesterday. Thank you for everything you do.
1. Call for Acceptance of Minutes – Frank Bauer and Martha Muir
Martha sent out the minutes of the October ARISS-I meeting prior to today’s meeting.
Stefan made a motion to accept the minutes and Ciaran seconded that motion. The motion was accepted without dissent. They will be sent to Deb Lebair to be posted on the ARISS website.
2. HamTV Update – Kenneth Ransom
Kenneth said that we are waiting for the final topology report to be completed. After that, the HamTV will be integrated into the Columbus module. Frank mentioned that there are new people at NASA and at ESA working on this assessment and have started from scratch, which is why it is taking so long. Frank asked Oliver if we can get Ham TV CAD model to move this along faster. Oliver said he will ask Kaiser.
An HDMI converter is needed to support the new cameras on-board ISS. Randy expects that the HDMI converter will be launched to the ISS mid-next year.
3. ARISS-I Delegates Face to Face Meeting – Oliver Amend and Glenn MacDonell
Glenn said the hotel we used at the last Face to Face meeting in Canada has agreed to hold several rooms for ARISS at a good price-point. People who will be attending should contact the hotel and book their rooms directly. For the special rates at the hotel, mention that you are with the ARISS delegation. He has asked the CSA for a presentation on their Lunar Gateway initiatives and they are working on it.
Oliver said he is collecting suggested topics to discuss at the meeting and will sort them into the meeting days in the near future.
Frank asked everyone to get suggested topics to Oliver by December 15. He also asked Glenn to put together the name of the hotel, the special rates, and contact information for the hotel and send it to the officers for distribution to the team. Oliver will send this out to everyone.
Frank thanked Glenn and Oliver for their work on our next Face to Face meeting.
4. SSTV Update – Sergey Samburov
Sergey said that he is very happy with the results of the SSTV transmissions, which include images of the first use of ham radio in human space flight. Hams, educators and youth from all over the world were involved and received diplomas. Thanks to everyone involved in this, especially Armand and Slawek.
Will said that image gallery has been moved to cloud based image storage system at this address: https://ariss-usa.org/ARISS_SSTV. There is also a new method to request a certificate but there were a couple of glitches during operations that have since been fixed. This new system aligns well with the awards program that the team in Poland has been supporting for so many years.
Rosalie thanked Will for adding a “Please Donate” button to the web page. We have already received donations from it.
Oliver said an Indonesian group had their own certificates that featured an image of Owen Garriott. A Chilean group also had their own certificate.
A map showed SSTV from all over the world. There was a lot of activity in the USA, Europe, and Asia.
Sergey said would like to do another SSTV event during the last week of December and the first week of January. The images will include seasonal greetings and images of great ARISS related activities of the past year and asked international folks to start gathering their images to be used.
Sergey thanked Slawek, Armand, and Will for their work curating the images and certificates. He would like to prepare some special awards for them.
**Action Item: Each region should provide 2 images to be used for this event. We will add a Seasons Greeting image and Sergey will provide 3 images. Please send your two images to Frank by December 10.
AOB (Any Other Business)
- Rosalie said she would no longer be taking in Activity Reports and numbers. Please send them to Deb Lebair at [email protected]
- Thanks to Maria for interpreting today.
Next Meeting: December 17, 2024